Scramble, Scramble!!
Scramble, Scramble!!
The Gear Empire has invaded your star system. Pilot the Blue Raptor to defeat 15 waves of enemies by shooting them down with bullets or by crushing them with your Iron Egg!
This game is a shoot-em-up with a breakout/"Arkanoid" twist!
- Arrow Keys to move
- Press X to shoot bullets
- Release X to reload bullets
- Press Z to throw the Iron Egg
- Shoot the Iron Egg with bullets to make the Egg bounce back up and destroy your enemies!
- The Iron Egg will bounce off the player ship!
- The "Heart" shape in the center of the Iron Egg will tell you what diagonal direction the egg is moving
- This game is actually hard. Don't feel too bad for using continues!
Patch Updates:
- Iron Egg can now bounce off the player ship.
- Unlimited bullets! (removed ammo reload)
- Buffed enemies' HP as players no longer need to reload between shots.
- Buffed Iron Egg damage.
This should be the final set of changes:
- Reverted to limited ammo (players must reload).
- Reverted to original Iron Egg damage and Enemy HP.
- Changed button inputs to start game, continue game, and re-start game to improve user experience.
Over the past month, I experimented with allowing players to play the game with unlimited ammo (by removing the reload function entirely). While the feedback I received was generally positive, I found that this invalidated the core game mechanic of juggling the Iron Egg as a main source of damage entirely. Players reported that though juggling the Iron Egg with limited ammo was tricky, juggling the Iron Egg with unlimited ammo "felt like a chore" - it became too easy and trivialized the entire game.
While I am absolutely keeping the ability for the Iron Egg to bounce off the Blue Raptor (the player ship), I am reverting the changes I made to the ammo system.
Developer's Notes:
This is the first game I've ever developed. I don't have a programming background - all I've done previously is mess around with Unity. I started developing this project when I realized that Unity and its physics engine really spoiled me, and as a result, I approached every programming challenge in terms of Unity's physics engine... which is a very narrow and self-limiting way to program.
Therefore I started looking for game engines that were the opposite of Unity. Because of how powerful (I think?) and broad Unity's tools are, I realized that Unity lent itself well to very big (and unfortunately, bloated) projects. I wanted something very barebones and limiting, so I settled on Pico-8. The restrictions surrounding Pico-8 (limited token, character, and sprite count) appealed to me as I wanted to quickly assemble a small project I could be proud of.
I don't think I could have made a better decision in my journey to improve at game development and programming. Pico-8's restrictions made it necessary for me to teach myself things like object-oriented programming, writing clean code, and making arrays. I also appreciate that this project forced me to approach programming problems mathematically. Again, Unity and its physics engine really spoiled me.
All that aside, there are definitely things I feel I could have done better. I wish I had documented my game development process better, and I'm certain there's a lot of stuff I could have written more efficiently. A lot of game mechanics I wanted to put in (i.e. power-ups, more enemy types, more waves of enemies) were cut out as a result.
Overall this was a tremendously positive experience for me, and I hope you will have fun playing my game!
ALSO: big thanks to Gruber! All tracks in this game were taken from "Pico-8 Tunes Vol.2."
Additional Thanks To:
- Lazy Devs/Krystman for Pico-8 tutorials
- Yu-Gi-Oh! I'm awful at creature design, so I based the enemy designs off some of my favorite Monsters from my childhood. Comment if you can figure out which ones they are!
- My Mom. Thanks for being the best <3
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Why do I have to use the keyboard to start 1.3?
What do you mean?
EDIT: Oh I may have been slightly a dingus here.
Thinking about it now, I imagine people playing this title on a handheld may have trouble pressing the (<-) and (->) buttons at the same time...
I'll release a quick fix for this tonight. I imagine changing it from:
(<-) + (->) to something like (X) + (^) might work.
Thanks for bringing this to my attention!
Fixed! Now users will have to press (X) + (^) to start (and continue if all lives are lost).
The change was initially implemented to prevent players that were mashing the shoot button from accidentally continuing the game when all lives were lost. Thank you for understanding!
This game is mesmerizingly beautiful.
Hi ! did you REMOVE the shot limit in the game!? I really praised your SHOWING the shot limit of the game in my video! I do actually like it a bit more without the shot limit ... but that part of your design was genius :) Awesome game! take care - my take on it is in this video:
Yeah, I ended up removing it. Though I felt the design was very clever (and I really loved the reload mechanic) the majority of feedback I received commented that just trying to keep the Iron Egg from leaving the screen itself was an engaging challenge. On top of the fact that I had run out of token count and that I wanted to implement a few other things (i.e. the Iron Egg bouncing off the ship on contact), the shot limit had to get cut.
That said: I am considering uploading a version of the game prior to the shot limit removal ("Vanilla" Scramble, Scramble!!) and leaving a comment in the developer's notes that the shot limit is the "intended experience."
EDIT: Also just want to add one tidbit!
Take what I say right here with a massive grain of salt because I'm a very inexperienced, hobbyist gamedev:
One big lesson I've learned from this project is that even if I think an idea is very good (i.e. limiting bullets in order to artificially enforce player engagement with the Iron Egg's positioning) it doesn't necessarily mean the player will enjoy it. The most common feedback I'd get after explaining why the shot limit was implemented was:
"But it's not fun :C why you gotta narc my fun?"
If I received that comment only once I'd still feel confident in my gut feeling that the game mechanic was fine. But after receiving that comment from many people, I realized it just had to go.
Lesson learned! Just because a mechanic is theoretically defensible does not mean most of your players will like it.
Thanks for this awesome response! I love your lesson learned. This happened to me during development as well. Just because something is logical and skill based doesn't make it fun! In my game back during development, when you got hit and your ship was on fire, you could no longer shoot until you picked up a repair... I wanted to force some dodging and you could smuggle or save a bomb to make this process easier but it just wasn't fun... So I got rid of powerloss completely! And instead I focused on making the game more fun without that power loss or forced dodging.
And in your case, I agree with the change, I enjoy the game a lot more, and if you wanted to introduce more difficulty you could have more bullets to dodge! That would be great fun. There's always ways to increase engagement without decreasing played abilities that ultimately are a bit tedious (unfortunately), though some players may be into that specific skill.
I love your comment about experimenting further with the game's mechanics! In hindsight, maybe I should have done more of that as well. Unfortunately I ran out of token count, but maybe if I optimize my other code, I could bring back the shot limit while keeping the new feature of the Iron Egg bouncing off the ship.
We'll see if I have time for that though *shrug*
Its such a cool game, I wonder if you can take it to another platform and do more with it. I honestly could see this being much bigger if you wanted it to be!! what you did with the current token limit was astounding to me ... but im no wizard! haha well done either way
Heads up - I ended up reverting back to the limited ammo system.
To repeat what I wrote in my patch notes:
While the feedback I received was generally positive, I found that this invalidated the core game mechanic of juggling the Iron Egg as a main source of damage entirely. Players reported that though juggling the Iron Egg with limited ammo was tricky, juggling the Iron Egg with unlimited ammo "felt like a chore" - it became too easy and trivialized the entire game.
Looks like I learned another lesson! Just because a lot of people complain does not mean the alternative they're providing is necessarily a good idea haha
I hope you'll give my game another go and let me know what you think! I've kept things like allowing the Iron Egg to bounce off the ship, and also polished up a few more things (i.e. changing button inputs to start, re-start, and continue game).
A really cool concept and different take on the SHMUP genre. Easy to pick up the concept but a high skill ceiling for balancing dodges and hitting that egg. Also great title screen music, nice and catchy.
One sentence review: "You can't save a galaxy without shooting a few eggs"
I'm glad you enjoyed my game! Love the 1-sentence review!
It's brilliant and beautiful.
Thank you! I'm glad you liked it!
Fun game! I like your sprite guys.
Thanks! Considering my limited experience with sprite art, I'm pretty proud of how they turned out!
Fantastic! I love how this is a bit like Brick Breaker / Arkanoid combined with a Shmup, great job and congrats on your first game
Thank you! I hope you enjoyed playing my game!